Displaying 121 - 150 of 289 in total
Ask on, My Mother
There are amazing biblical insight to be found in some of the more overlooked passages of scripture. We look at one of these today in the life of Solomon. Scripture...
Atonement was a time of new beginnings. A time for fasting and contrition. A time for breakthrough into the divine new. At least, that is what God initially intended...
The Spirit of Christ
What is the Spirit of Christ? And, how does this precious identity need to function within the life of the believer and saint? Romans 8:1-16
The Eyes of Understanding
I am not sure that Christians are aware of the spiritual capacities God has given to them. One of the these has to do with the eyes of understanding. This is differe...
Pleasing in His Sight
We serve God, and seek His face. This is the privilege of the Saints. But, we must consider if we are pleasing God. How do we please Him?
Ezra's Hands
God showed Himself strong on behalf of Ezra and the people of Israel. Miraculously, they came safely from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem. For Ezra, the work was ju...
God gave His very best to the church through His Son, Jesus. He then gave the five-fold offices to the church. Through this, the Saints are said yo be recipients of ...
Heirs and Joint-heirs
God desires for His people to grow. But, what is growth according to the scripture? How can we attain the place God has ordained for us in identity and function?
The Book
What does it truly mean when we are told to write a book of remembrance? How do we do it? What do we do with it?
The Torment
The New Testament speaks of torment. On surface, this word does not engender pleasant thoughts. Our Lord Jesus and his believers are said to be the tormenters. Under...
Peter's Best Sermon
On the day of Pentecost, Peter addressed the amazed crowd who had witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We remember how Peter explained the events through the...
Representing the Right Hand
Being a people who understand the biblical role of faith at the right hand of God is wonderful. But, this knowledge requires that the saints must also keep their eyes ...
The Marketplace
The Saints have a divine calling to represent the kingdom of God in the market place of this world. How do we do this effectively in the midst of this current world?
The Saints are positioned to enter a "springtime" of sowing and nurturing in the fields of the Lord. In the New Testament, such a time is indicated by the word transl...
Call to Prayer
The Saints must be a people of prayer. To this end, there must be a deliberate insistence upon utilizing all that God has promised.
Let's Pray
The Saints are an intercessory entity, created and called by God to serve Him in these desperate hours. How best can we serve God in prayer in the midst of our world ...
There is Hope
The days in which we live are strange, aren't they. The things we see and feel can be perplexing. Unless, of course, we gain an understanding of what God is doing, a...
Spiritual Atmospheres
There is a definitive, biblical connection between gleaning the depths of spiritual understanding and spiritual "atmospheres." This principle affects both the kingdom...
Being Formed
God expects His Saints to partner with Him in the process of developing disciples. The people and nations entrusted to our care must be watched over in prayer. How m...