Displaying 151 - 180 of 289 in total
There are many types of rejoicing discussed in the scripture. Perhaps the most precious of these is the rejoicing of walking daily in fellowship with the spirit of God.
Pure Language
We are truly living in days of prophetic input and fulfillment. An often overlooked Old Testament book is Zephaniah. But within its pages, it holds a tremendous prom...
The Father's Birthday Gift
The birthday gift given to the church by the Heavenly Father is a reminder of what the church should be. It serves as a reminder to the Saints concerning what our call...
Performance of the Promise
New Years is a time for looking forward. For the Saints, our forward vision must align with the promise of God. How we do this will determine our success in the King...
Thanksgiving is a necessary element to moving forward with God. Meditation is also essential. But what is the scriptural measure of meditating and how do we do it?
Biblically, the concept of experience is much more than knowledge gained by doing something. Divine experience involves an overcoming, and it is a necessary dimension...
Mine Enemies
The Saints must walk by faith, and not by sight. But what is faith? Depending upon who you ask, faith could mean just about anything. Determining a biblical understan...
The Prayer of Issac
Isaac was a miracle child, but he was then entrusted with carrying out the ongoing promise of God. Knowing how he prayed regarding the the divine promise is essential...
Strange Things
When God said that His ways are not man's ways, He meant it. Regularly, God does strange and mysterious things. In fact, this seems to be His preferred way of workin...
Your Prayer is Heard
True prayer is a partnership with God. The answer to prayer is not reliant upon our assessment of timing, but upon our commitment to God and to His purpose. He answ...
Who Knows?
The Saints are privileged to come before the Lord in anticipation of something glorious. The prophet Joel prophesied about this process. We do not know what is ahea...
Too often, when God does something wonderful, we are quick to embrace it and then move on. We must give consideration to the power of thanks, and how important it is ...
Call to Prayer
This is the time to evaluate our calling as Saints. May we commit to this calling of service to our Lord for the days ahead.
The Mystery of Godliness
How should the Saints function in an age of seeming Godlessness? This deceptions of this current age are nothing new. They are simply a "re-packaging" of demonic strat...
He that Letteth
In light of current world events, people everywhere are looking for clear answers. What is the promise and instruction of God for the Saints? God provides operational ...
At the Door
Hidden in a familiar passage of scripture is a powerful truth regarding the door of the Lord. If we want to welcome His presence, and experience Him in a deeper way, ...
Breaking Through
The Saints are entering an ordained season of breakthrough. The Bible has some fascinating and instructive things to say about this topic. Learning these truths will ...
Truth and Peace
Zechariah 8:19 Zechariah admonished the people of God to love the truth and peace. This does not mean "your truth" and the removal of obstacles from the pursuit of w...
Gladness and Joy
Zechariah 8:18-19 The Lord promises to turn our sorrows and despair into joy and gladness. This is a great promise...but how must we claim and activate such a mira...
Do you know where you are? Do you know where you are going? As in the days of Nehemiah, the Saints must remain true to task. Many influences would attempt to hinder...