Displaying 181 - 210 of 289 in total

The Sacrifice

Romans 12:1, 2 What does it mean to be a living sacrifice unto God? What did the Apostle Paul mean when he wrote about this to the church of Rome? Let's consider t...


Neuroscience and speaking in unknown tongues. Recent medical research has identified significant physical benefits to those who utilize the divinely given gift of sp...


The amazing word means many things to many people. But what does it truly mean when God promotes His Saints? What does this biblical principle mean for you, right no...

The Knee of Yahweh

Sometimes we view the Old Testament scriptures solely from an historical perspective. Hidden within their pages are principles detailing how God moves. Zechariah pro...


What is the power of God? The answer might surprise you. In truth, it is the function of how God intended things to function. The dunamis of God is truly explosive,...


Integrity is not a badge worn by the upright. It is the quality of character and practice which is evident in you, no matter where or when you are observed. Integrit...

The Acceptable Year

In these unprecedented times, the prophetic power of the Word of God is of utmost importance. In it, we are told of an acceptable year of the Lord. Are we entering s...

No Doubt About It

Doubt can destroy the work of the saints if we allow it. The New Testament describes three main aspects of doubt. Understanding these and applying the biblical antid...


The presence of hatred in the Scripture is regularly seen immediately before a miracle. How we view and deal with the preponderance of hatred will determine whether we...

How to be Wise

In order to serve the Lord during these odd days, the Saints must truly act in wisdom. But, what does this actually mean? God's word specifically details a clear defin...

Patience and Consolation

he Saints have been called to partner with God in unique ways in these unique days. God wants to speak to His people. As He does, His insights must be received in con...


God has given to every person a deposit of His Spirit. This is the source of natural life. When a believer becomes born again, this is the place wherein that miracle o...

Praying for the Country

It is easy to pray for the Government and its elected leaders when you voted them into office. But what should you do when you might not be in favor of the policies o...


Upon the entry to the Temple constructed by Solomon, two pillars greeted the worshipper. The left pillar was called Boaz, but the right was named Jachin. The heart o...

Love Apples

God gives promises, but they are regularly encased in obstacles. Doing things God's way will regularly fee incomplete in our natural mind. But if we hold on to the p...

Snow and Ash

Pastor Crawford teaches from Ezekiel 9:1-4.

Lift Up

Pastor wil teach from Luke 21:25-33.